Mandya PG Centre Sindhanoor PG Centre Udutadi PG Centre
1 Book Borrowing Facility
2 Reading Room Facility
3 Reference Service
4 Referral Service
5 Document Delivery Service
6 Inter Library Loan services
7 OPAC Service
8 Smart Cards Service
9 Reprographic service at the cost of Rs. 0.50 per page
10 Orientation Programme
11 Anti-Plagarism Service
Specialized Services Provide in the Library
1 Information Employment and Notification:
2 Internet Access:
3 Download: Journals and E-books:
4 Printouts:
5 Reading List/Bibliography compilation:
6 In-House/ remote access to e-resource:
7 User Orientation:
8 Assistance in searching Database:
9 INFLIBNET/IUC Facilities